The disk has been correctly written, but low-level errors show that this disk may fail. The disk has been correctly read, but low-level errors show that this disk may fail. Got the cancel request; please wait… Got the disk, please wait… This disk is unreadable. This option is not supported on this kind of disk. Reading from the disk… Saving disk image… ”… Reading disk image “ Initializing disk (was unformatted)… Creating short catalog and locking out bad sectors… Creating short catalog and looking for bad sectors… Creating short catalog… Creating catalog and locking out bad sectors… Creating catalog and looking for bad sectors… Creating catalog… The bad sectors were locked out. Reading from the disk to allow undo… I will cancel as soon as reading finishes. Copying the disk… Reading from the disk to allow undo… To cancel, press esc or ⌘-period. Please insert or drag&drop a disk; I will overwrite its contents. Create catalog failed (you may try “Erase disk” again): Verify failed: Initialize failed: Looking for bad sectors… Verifying disk media… Initializing disk… Waiting for a disk…